Hugo Coveliers and Udo Ulfkotte
Today, Dr. Ulfkotte Sioe’s representative met with lawyer Senator Hugo Coveliers, of the Raad van State (Council of State) the only Belgian institution that can annul Mayor Thieleman’s ban on the SIOE demonstration.
The meeting got underway at 12.00 today, Tuesday 28th August.
SIOE has appealed about Mayor Thielemans’s decision and has received help from Belgium’s most respected lawyer, Senator Hugo Covaliers, who has taken up the case in the Raad van State.
Senator Hugo Coveliers expects an 80% chance that the Raad van State will support SIOE and declare Thielemans’s prohibition illegal.
Not least, this is because the SIOE demonstration is absolutely non-violent and the Mayor was fearful of violence from illegal counter-demonstrators.
It is unreasonable to disallow European citizens to assemble in the EU’s capital for the purpose of demonstrating against EU initiatives, simply because counter demonstrators might be violent.
We will publish up-to-date news from Belgium on this page during the day.
1 comment:
I look forward to a positive outcome and joining the rest of SIOE in Brussels on 11 Sept.
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