One minute's silence to remember the 9/11 victims
Let us make it completely clear. There was only one SIOE demonstration: The demonstration planned for a long time that was advertised as starting from Luxembourg Place in Brussels.
Although Mayor Thielemans disallowed SIOE’s demonstration, it certainly lived up to all the rules SIOE had promised the Brussels police.
Vlaams Belang had repeatedly tried to persuade SIOE to hold only a static demonstration on Schumann Square outside the commission, suggesting that some agreement had been reached with the Brussels police about this.
Nevertheless, SIOE stood firm on its demand for marching from Luxembourg Square to Schumann Square.
We believe, therefore, that Vlaams Belang attempted to hijack SIOE’s demonstration because they knew that they could publicise their own domestic political agenda, on the back of the world news generated by our protest.
SIOE had given political parties the chance to show they are really serious in wanting Stop Islamisation Of Europe, by putting their other political aspirations to one side.
However, Vlaams Belang clearly was unable to do this.
SIOE’s demonstration was completely peaceful.
When Anders Gravers and Stephen Gash arrived to Luxembourg Place they were greeted by high-ranking police officers who announced that “the demonstration was forbidden” but that we would be tolerated if we stayed on Luxembourg Square and abided by our own aims and rules, which of course we did.
As the safety of its supporters and public order has always been paramount in SIOE’s organisation of the demonstration, SIOE complied with police instructions at all times without question, and had a peaceful demonstration in Luxembourg Place.
SIOE can only praise the police for their efforts.
The police only made a couple of administrative arrests of single persons that apparently had not understood SIOE’s rule of only displaying SIOE’s slogans on banners.
With this gathering we have proved to the world, Belgium and Mayor Thielemans, that SIOE can conduct demonstrations where peaceful ordinary people may respectfully deliver their messages to our politicians.

We did exactly that when a petition of 10,000 signatures complaining about Mayor Thielemans’s decision to ban the 9/11 demo was passed on to Gerard Batten MEP who will raise the matter of Mayor Thielemans’s prohibition in the parliament, in order to secure the right of peaceful people to gather and express their freedom of speech according to the EU-constitution.
Mr Batten ensured the petition was handed to Mayor Thielemans’s office.
SIOE does not wish to be associated with Vlaams Belang who held its own separate demonstration on Schumann Square.
Firstly, because we believe they obviously did not respect police instructions and secondly, we consider they vandalised SIOE’s efforts by holding their own demonstration, thereby distracting the both media and, more seriously, demonstrators who genuinely only wish to Stop Islamisation Of Europe.
Why couldn’t Vlaams Belang have made a demonstration some other day?
Why did they have to use the same time and SIOE’s slogans? The reason can surely only be that they deliberately tried to use SIOE to get in the media’s spotlight.
Whatever the reasons SIOE considers Vlaams Belang’s action to have been irresponsible and reprehensible.
This is why SIOE strongly disassociates itself from the Vlaams Belang demonstration that displayed Flemish flags, contrary to SIOE’s aims and rules that allowed people regardless of race, religion and political convictions to unite and say “no” to the insidious Islamisation of our societies, without the baggage of political parties. That is to say a wide front with a single goal, to Stop Islamisation Of Europe.
Therefore, it is disappointing that both the Brussels Journal and Gates of Vienna have stubbornly claimed that Schumann Square was the meeting place despite SIOE not having mentioned this place as an assembly point.
It’s also disappointing to see Gates of Vienna and Centre for Vigilant Freedom write about the two different demonstrations as if they were a single one.
SIOE is now establishing new branches in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, France and Italy.
Now is the time to create a non-party-political organization with only one goal, to stop the Islamisation of our countries.
By popular demand we will be establishing a subscription membership scheme.
SIOE has decided, for the present time, not to co-operate with political parties in the future but only with individuals and organizations that share our wish for stopping the Islamisation of Europe, unless we have a written agreement drawn up by SIOE and signed by the leaders of the parties.
In other words a legally binding contract on SIOE’s terms.
However our main goal is still to attract ordinary people who wish to Stop Islamisation Of Europe.
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