I wish to express my deepest concerns and displeasure with your statements in the release 590 (2007)
Your statements:
1. “The fact is that Europe and its values are indeed under threat, but the danger is not coming from Islam.”
2. “Our common European values are undermined by bigots and radicals, both islamists and islamophobes, who exploit fears and prejudice for their own political objectives.”
3. “It is very important to remember that the freedom of assembly and expression can be restricted to protect the rights and freedoms of others, including the freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This applies to everyone in Europe including the millions of Europeans of Islamic faith, who were the main target of today’s shameful display of bigotry and intolerance.”
could hardly have been uttered more precisely by Adolf Hitler, we aggressive Europeans here being compared with Jews in Hitler´s terminology. And poor immigrant, imperialistic Islam , which has only one wish according to the “Holy Quran” and the Hadith: To attain a World Caliphate without unbelievers or with a few tolerated dhimmis like yourself, now take the place of the German People (das Deutsche Volk) of the Hitler ideology in your dictatorial EU-scenario of the Euromediterranean /Eurabian Partnership/Union. A partnership kept secret to us “criminal” Europeans (Freddy Thielemans) for now 12 years. And this although the EU has promised the 10 Euromediterranean Partner countries the 4 fundamental rights of the EU
in Naples Dec. 2-3, 2003 http://ec.europa.eu/comm/external_relations/euromed/conf/naples/index.htm - including free immigration to Europe of the populations of 9 Muslim countries , besides the Balkan Muslims!!
Mr. Davis . You betray us - and did a long time ago already in your antieuropean , european-racist ECRI conclusions from Oct. 16, 2000 http://www.coe.int/t/e/human_rights/ecri/2-european_conference/1-documents_adopted/02-general_conclusions.asp#P87_7188 . Not Europeans who do not want to see our children grow in the sharia
You betrayed us when you let your Audio Visual Observatory arrange a Symposium in Moscow in July of 2005 to learn Media censorship in the form of “selfregulation” from the much experienced Russians http://www.obs.coe.int/online_publication/expert/moscow_workshop.pdf.en
And the EU - which you are to be included in as an institution according to the new “Reform Treaty”, alias the Constitutional Treaty, which was rejected by the Dutch and French , but now to be pressed down upon us in spite of European popular disgust to it - also has deprived our media of the right of the free expression hypocritically promised in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights , article 11 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/comparl/libe/elsj/charter/art11/default_en.htm.
Mr. Davis. You and your European Council, the EU and your Grand Masters are the bigots and the real danger to Europe. You have deserved your nickname: EUSSR. A name which has become even much more known after the scandalous treatment of the Flemish Party parlamentarians and Italian and other EU-parlamentarians at the Place Schuman in Brussels on 9/11 2007. This is really shameful.
Be assured: You are really doing a great job to
1. make the Europeans stick together and feel as brothers in their just struggle and self-defence against those who betray us.
2. We feel united in our struggle against this foreign imperialistic , fascistic ideology, Islam.
3. And you make us return to our ancient European values. Pressure begets counter-pressure.
We Europeans shall remember you all, when democracy returns. In the meantime, we dislike you.
Anders Bruun Laursen
Consultant Ophthalmologist
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