Sunday, 20 January 2008

Amsterdam demo gets the go-ahead

NIS News bulletin

AMSTERDAM, 19/01/08 - An action group wants to demonstrate in Amsterdam next Saturday against the 'Islamisation' of Europe, as newspaper Het Parool Friday reported.

The demonstration on Dam square is being organised by Stop Islamisation of Europe, an action group set up by the Danish politician Anders Gravers and British Stephen Gash. They are expecting a turnout of some 300 people. Speeches will be given, including one by Gravers, according to Het Parool.

According to the newspaper, Amsterdam Mayor Job Cohen sees no reason at present to ban or curb the demonstration. The rules of the demonstration state, said the paper, that racist slogans are forbidden, as are flags of extreme right-wing organisations.


Unknown said...

Brilliant, I lived in Amsterdam for 3-4 years and I used to love the place with all my heart. Yet it has changed so much, I was in Amsterdam when Theo Van Gogh was MURDERED by an Islamic Extremist.

Many 1000's of us met after work the same day to make sure people knew how we felt. It was peaceful and NO Muslims turned up to defend what their brethren had done.

PLEASE My Dutch Brothers stand alongside us in our hour of need. You have always been an honourable and friendly country but where did that get Theo? Murdered and a copy of his words stabbed into his chest.

Half of the members of the Socialiste Partie of Belgium are Muslim. This in a country where much less than half of the people are Muslim, it won't be long before they are running this country make sure it doesn't happen in ANY other European countries.

Scottie said...

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